Run for your lives, or just yawn and read blogs all day. Either way, it looks like we’re all going to die. How, you ask? Well, we could be crushed by a gigantic wave of human stupidity for one. I don’t know about you, but looks like I am definitely going to die of cynicism.
2012 is the new Doomsday (or rather Doomsyear)… allegedly. Don’t just go by the movie (also called 2012). Hollywood, surprisingly, is not an authority on the end of the world. That title has been usurped by certain Indian news channels, which have already killed us off a few times. Earlier we used to have B-grade films. Now, we even have B-grade news channels. What’s the world coming to? Nought, if you believe the channels.
So, what’s this hullaballoo all about? It appears that the Mayan calendar ends at 2012 and the prophets of doom (and Hollywood directors) have grabbed the idea to push their theories of an ‘impending’ Apocalypse. But before you book your tickets to the moon, look at the other side of the coin. Experts say the Mayan calendar is probably referring to the end on an era, a time period. A cartoon I saw said it clearly: “The Mayans probably ran out of space on the rock of a calendar.” And no, Mayans are not followers of Mayawati. We prefer using more disparaging terms for that breed.
There are some folks who link Cern's particle collider with the end of the world. Apparently, it is supposed to create a black hole which would suck everyone and his uncle. Well, I have got two words for them: Flop Show. Proton beams were successfully circulated in the main ring of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in September 2008. So, going by what some ‘geniuses’ think, we have all died and gone to hell. (If this was heaven, God would have one hell of a lawsuit to fight.)
One can imagine the the breaking news headlines: ‘Die Another Day’, ‘You Only Live Twice’, or 'The rumour that came out of the cold' etc. Suffice to say, the doomsday morons were shaken and stirred. The LHC was later stopped due to some glitch. I guess the scientists must have seen an Indian channel, eh?
Anyway, whatever unfinished business you’ve got, now is the time to step on the gas. Just go all out. Go skydiving, swim in the rapids, slap your boss. You don’t have much time. Come to think of it, with climate change, al-Qaida, and an unstable Pakistan breathing down our necks, who needs these prophecies. Even schoolkids know we’re killing the Earth.
Actually, one needs to think what the world will be like in 2012 before pressing the panic button. With every Tom, Dick and Harry getting on the Armageddon bandwagon, what’s stopping me from coming up with some prophecies of my own. I think for starters, America would still be fighting in Afghanistan, Pakistan may have ceased to exist (after some jihadi dude gets his hands on the N-button), and Mayawati may be the new PM. Imagine seeing a few hundred statues of Behenji dotting the Capital. Now, if that doesn’t call for a doomsday, what does?
PS: Did you know about a Russian dude called Stanislav Petrov who single-handedly prevented a nuclear war way back in 1983. In charge of a Soviet early warning site, Petrov averted a nuclear holocaust when he took a decision to not retaliate when an alarm falsely signaled a US nuclear missile attack. Had it not been for him, forget 2012, 1983 would have been THE END.
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