The greatest power of the world as well as of the heaven is the power of thinking. It is said that ‘As we think so we become’. Mind is the most mysterious instrument attached with the human being. This is one of the reason human are treated as too dangerous. One can reach to unimaginable heights by applying his/her thinking power towards constructive field instead of applying it in destruction which can degrade one to unimaginable states of humiliation.
The very first question arises in our mind is What is Positive thinking?
Here comes out the answer: Positive thinking implies possessing a mind that is not dominated by the negative thoughts i.e.; anger, hatred, greed and many more are in line. A mind which entertains the thoughts of joy and goodwill, ready to forgive and forget and always prepared to harmonize & to promote peace. This is what termed as Positive mind.
Mind influences directly our nervous system and indirectly our body.Each and everything around us get influenced so much that a highly advanced mind exerts its impact on the entire world and this impact continues to be felt for a long, long time. Great people, their powerful minds have brought great changes in the world and only these great minds are having all the resources required for changing the world to its best.
” Learn from Yesterday, Live for Today, Hope for Tomorrow “.
As said by Nelson Mandela: “Sometime it falls upon a Generation to be Great and you can be that Great Generation”, it is on us that how we use our mind in best possible ways. So always be positive and keep your thinking caps on.
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