Even though telecom and information technology are my areas of expertise and I still do occasional editorials and columns in the Economic Times and the Times of India print edition on the subject, I have so far shied away from writing on these subjects in my blog posts. For one, I felt the subject was far too serious and technical to be attempted in a general blog post, and two, I thought I would rather use the post to tackle other topics of common/general interest.
In this post, however, I am making a minor deviation from this self imposed restriction. And this deviation has been forced by an issue that has been bothering me, indeed a whole lot of people in this country - the alarming drop in the quality of service in the fastest growing mobile market in the world.
Nine out of ten in the industry would swear and convince you that the quality of service has dropped due to the government's complete failure to make more spectrums available to tide over the clogged and overworked network. While there may be a modicum of truth in this, for compared to the subscriber numbers, the spectrum availability is indeed low, the real reason is neither that technical nor complicated. It is a simple case of outsourcing and the subsequent sub-contracting that happens.
We all know that the mobile network consists of hundreds or thousands of cells that are served through the mobile network towers. These are the ubiquitous towers you see all over the country, with the pole antennae that emit signals for your mobiles and the normal dish that communicates with the next tower, or with the switch where the calls are processed. As can be understood, for each cell to work efficiently, the tower needs electricity and generally need to be maintained properly.
Let me now try and explain how this simple thing is one of the main reasons for the falling service quality. Operator X decides that it needs to outsource the nationwide tower maintenance to company 'A'. After a lot of haggling, the price has been fixed at Rs 2000 for each person that 'A' would employ for the task. 'A' decides that it needs to outsource work in different parts of the country. So, it appoints company 'B' to look after North Zone @ Rs 1800 per person. 'B' now outsources Uttar Pradesh in North to company 'C' @ Rs 1650 per person. This company further outsources three districts in UP to company 'D' @ Rs 1500 per person. 'D' too realises it is better to outsource each district, so it appoints company 'E' @ Rs 1400 per person.
So you see, while the Operator started off as paying Rs 2000 per person, it has actually come down to Rs 1400, and we are still to get down to how a district or a city is further divided into zones and further sublet. One person in the know actually confessed to me that they can go down to seven layers before the company that actually maintains the tower comes into play. So, it is possible that the person who actually does the job is paid no more than Rs 1000.
Now we all know that all operators are hard task masters and drive a hard bargain and would never part with a single paisa more than they need to. So, if they agreed to Rs 2000 per person, it must already be the rock bottom rate for a person qualified for the job. Now imagine if the actual person who does the job is hired at half that amount. Does one for a moment think that the person would be competent enough to handle something as critical as maintaining the mobile tower? Clearly, at such rates, you can only hire illiterates!
Believe me, this simplistic explanation is all that there is, or at least a major reason for the constantly falling service quality. And now that I am at it, let me also reveal that one of the largest operators in the country, in its zeal to out do others in the race to offer 'per second billing' actually came out with adverts, including TV spots, but without working out the details. As a result, neither were the system jigged to handle the changed billing system nor was its call centre alerted that a thing like this was being done. I felt sorry for the head of one such call centre who had to handle thousands of queries from customers while he had no clue what to tell them. And this was true of ALL operators and not just one. Those who switched to the new plan should do some test whether the plan actually came into play the day it was supposed to.
We have a telecom regulator in the country who can, if it chooses to, take these operators to task for making a fool of us, the gullible idiots, but over a period we have realized that leave alone bite, it doesn't even bark well. Instead of being a watchdog, it's a mere poodle, and though its powers are ambiguous in some cases, it chooses to remain quiet even where it's unambiguous. Under what compulsion, your guess is as good as mine.
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