... please come and wipe these pathetic wastes of life known as humans off this planet. Rain forty days, send earthquakes, I don't care how you do it. Just rid the world of humanity. What was going through your mind when people were created?
I keep hearing this prediction and that prediction and none of them have been correct. All I have to say is that this whole end of the world apocalypse thing needs to quit stalling. September 11th happens and there's a little glimmer of hope that the world's going to end. Here I am, eight years later and still nothing. I'm not a very patient man and I'm tired of waiting. Supposedly, Obama is the antichrist. He needs to get on the ball too, and start ordering some executions and shit. He's really slacking as the antichrist.
I truly had higher expectations for the antichrist from the Book of Revelation. Nostradamus predicted the world was to end in 1999. That asshole is ten years late. Thanks a lot, you prick. Then, 2000 was supposed to end it all. It came and went and I was left disappointed. What does humanity have to do? People are already stupid, violent, selfish, materialistic creatures. What more proof do you need that humanity needs to be eradicated?
The only thing I look forward to these days is 2012. Unfortunately, this is simply an end to the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar and it's highly unlikely anything catastrophic will happen, but I am still hopeful and I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. It's the only thing that puts a smile on my face when I wake up.
Why am I wanting the world to end? It's quite simple: I've grown very, very tired of the stupidity on this planet. Stupidity is praised and intelligence intimidates people. Reality television, advertisers telling people to buy this shit and that shit to make them think it will keep them fulfilled and people are so stupid they believe it. People are obsessed with money and status. Seems with every new child some woman pops out the human race gets more and more idiotic. Same can be said for the blogs, too, by the way. I do plan on throwing a party once she gets here. Let's all get together, have some drinks, listen to music, and watch the world die around us. All are welcome! By the way, when I say "all" I mean those whom I don't hate, which are only a handful of people. Come celebrate the end of stupidity, the end of mediocrity, the end of it all with Another Dead Hero!
PS: Every new blog that joins the race is dumber than the last like the dumber upcoming human generations.
PPS: Still praying for a nuclear holocaust. :)
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