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From Talibanland, with love

The Taliban seems to have dethroned H1N1 as the most feared entity on the planet (apart from petrol prices and Mamata didi).

To celebrate the milestone, some leaders of the peace-loving organization decided to come out of the closet…er I mean in the open, to let the world know more about them through a no-holds barred interview. So, here's a world exclusive interview with a heavily armed Taliban having a warped sense of humour. Kindly consume the following with a truckload of salt.

Q. The Taliban is such a large organization. Where do you get the finances for the fight against the US and Nato forces?
A. Tax, baby. Entertainment tax. Channels like Jazz Aleera have to pay us every time they broadcast a message. In fact, they have to pay extra for star performers like Osama bin Laden. Our sister concern Qal-Aida has been very profitable in this regard. We also make money by routinely performing exotic dances on the Pakistan border. These are rare moves taught to us by an entertainment powerhouse called ISI. I believe they are very popular in India.

Why does the Taliban insist on men keeping beards?
Oh, it’s a long story. We had a leader… he was one lovely terrorist. Heck, he put old Osama to shame. Anyway, once when he was shaving, he nicked himself with a Gillette razor. That dude, may he rest in peace, was one sharp fox. He immediately recognized the razor as a weapon of mass destruction planted by the Americans. Since then one of our favourite slogans has been ‘Grin and Beard it’.

Why do you keep abducting people?
What else can we do for fun. Life is so boring here. TV is banned. Most sports are looked down upon. What else will a poor terrorist do to pass time. Man, you people are cruel.

But why abduct journalists in particular?
Have you read some of the stuff they write? We have to nip the menace in the bud…before they make other readers cringe. It’s a public service really. I suggest you propose our name for the next Nobel. After all we’ve been in human resources far longer than Barack Obama. Now they’ve started spreading the poison on blogs too. (Looking up at the sky with a pained expression) Is no place sacred anymore??

OK, let’s switch to some personal questions. What kind of music do you guys listen to?
Hip-hop. Usually with some macabre lyrics about death and guns sung in a nasal Arabic accent. The singer should ideally be wearing a baseball cap. Actually, I prefer anything I can dance to. (Does a small jig by moving his hips while holding his AK-47 above his head and sings) “I like to move it, move it”. I love Britney man. She looked so good with a shaved head. Can you get me an autographed CD?

Er, I’ll see what I can do. So you only like dance music?
(Glares at reporter) What do mean? We love all kinds of music. The Taliban anthem is ‘Knock Knock, Knocking On Heavens Door’. The fidayeen squad prefers ‘Suicide Is Painless’. (mumbles under his breath) Young generation has no taste these days.

What about art? Didn’t the Taliban destroy the Bamiyan Buddhas?
That was a mistake. We like art. In fact we want to request India to send across madam Mayawati. Only she can help erect statues in Afghanistan. Anyway, art is not just sculpture. We love movies too. My favourite is Rambo-III where a long-haired jihadi turns some mean infidel Russians into sheesh kebab.

That was no jihadi. That was Sylvester Stallone playing John Rambo. An all-American war hero out to rescue his friends.
What! (The militant is evidently upset. He is reaching for his AK-47. I guess this interview is over).

Disclaimer: Taking my articles seriously can be injurious to your sense of humour. Please note that this blog is only intended to lampoon people and events.


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