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Gaddafi, the colourful colonel

Col Muammar Gaddafi has to be one the most entertaining politicians around. I think he’s funnier than most stand-up comics put together. It’s the film industry's loss that he chose a career in politics. And the man does what he wants. Last week, he ranted for 90 minutes at the UN General Assembly when he had been allotted only 15 minutes. His translator actually gave up after some time! The Libyan media later hailed the speech as radical, detailed and in-depth. Heck, if I was part of the Libyan media, I would too. It’s called self-preservation.

The man is a walking, talking B-grade comedy film. Apart from his diatribe against India over Kashmir, he also nailed the rationale behind the birth of Somalian piracy. It’s fish, or the lack of it. Genius, eh? According to the Colonel, India and Japan have wiped out Somalia’s fishing wealth, forcing the Somalis to take up piracy. So, let me get this straight: India’s piracy of fish has led to Somalis turning pirates. Hmmm, something’s definitely fishy here. Maybe some of our Bengali brethren had something to do with it. Lay off those sardines friends …and save the Somalis.

Coming back to Gaddafi, the man knows how to make an entrance. During a recent trip to Italy, the ageing Libyan dictator arrived on a jet, dressed (or overdressed) in military finery, with a few hundred medals and badges, a bright peak cap, and a heavily armed woman on each arm. The voluptuous lady-guards also wore uniforms, apart from very solemn expressions. If this wasn’t real life, it would just be a very bad scene by an underpaid, constipated director. And get this, the women are supposed to be virgins.

The Colonel is quite a character. The man overthrew the Libyan monarchy in 1969 in a bloodless coup. Years later, one of his seven sons masterminded a coup against him and fled to Egypt, only to return after Gaddafi forgave him (‘Mughal-e-Azam’ anyone?). He has two wives and one of them is now in disfavour. I am pretty sure that if someone tries to make a film on him, it will eventually turn into a masala melodrama, even if the director plans a boring documentary.

In 2007, on a visit to Paris, he actually demanded and eventually got some tents pitched outside a hotel. He apparently has a phobia of being confined indoors. So, we had a black tent, with all modern luxuries, in the heart of the city of lights. What can I say? You can take man out of the desert, but you can’t take the desert out of the man.

He is said to have tried the same stunt in New York for the UN summit, but it was dismantled in a jiffy by angry US officials. Apparently, Americans don’t like either tents or Gaddafi. (Later, the tent, with leather couches and coffee tables, was installed again). What’s next? A camel tour through Times Square?

He’s quite the diplomat too. One of his famous quotes goes: “I cannot recognise either the Palestinian state or the Israeli state. The Palestinians are idiots and the Israelis are idiots.” Yessir! He’s as colourful as they come.

Anyway, I think I need to go book some health insurance now, before Gaddafi comes visiting… with those hot bodyguards in tow.


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