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Bleaching brinjals

Papa Bear saw his plate, and said, “Someone has touched my brinjal.” Mother Bear looked at hers and added: “Someone seems to have pinched the peel off mine”. Baby Bear was in tears, sobbing inconsolably, “Mine is a mutant!” It is rather disturbing to tell the rest, when they found the Bt scientist crashed on Baby Bear’s bed.

Brinjal, the vegetable supposed to have originated in India ─ and then spread to Persia, Arabia, America and Brazil via Portuguese traders ─ is a perennial, easy-growing plant. Never caught on to the taste of the royals, and despite its close to 2,000 varieties, has never hit the billboards, or affected the sensex, or even shifted political opinions like onions or potatoes. Its various colors from purple to green to whitish (eggplant as called in US), and its shapes from round and bulbous, which has engendered a famous vernacular proverb pertaining to changing political alliances, to oval and even elongated banana-shaped, have not added in any way to its market value. Its versatility to be cooked, fried, baked or pickled still fails to raise its status to an elite versatile food item, or even an eatable of great value to the common man as potato or onion, green chilli, even garlic. The fact is that it is pretty bland, spineless, and is so easily manageable, that it has hardly commanded the sort of respect it should have deserved. If “brinjal” were a car, it would be in the category of the Indian HM’s Ambassador ─ great utility, the official Indian car, but too plain and compliant to every mechanic to enjoy any status.

BrinjalsNaturally, after the Bt cotton (non-eatable), this is the first plant to have given in so easily to the same gene translocation as the one in Bt cotton. The gene provides pesticide protection. That doesn’t matter for cotton unless you are in the habit of chewing your shirt cuffs. Maybe, the lingering pesticide effect keeps away the malarial mosquito, or the dengue virus, amounting to saving on mosquito coils, even vying to be the best material to make mosquito nets. No harm in interested lobbies starting to claim such benefits. Grab the market share, till someone proves it otherwise. It’s a marketing suggestion for the textile industry, take it or leave it!

Regarding the unassuming “brinjal”, the facts are slightly different. You actually eat a high concentration of the gene that acts like a potent pesticide. Not that we do not take in pesticides, and eggs of tapeworms and roundworms from the famous “salaamiwallas” in each of the popular markets of Delhi. The rich and famous line their cars rather obediently without honking. No one breaks the queue, but is rather anxious to grab his order before the stock is over. People tell you stories how “chacha” started forty years ago all by himself, and now his stuff is served on order in Parliamentary select committees, how there is a regular demand during cabinet meetings, whatever be the government ─ right, left or a coalition. Remotely, one may claim that the gene may have a wormicidal effect as well, but by common reasoning you are not prescribed a teaspoonful of “baygon” whenever you accidently swallow a mosquito, each time you yawn at the boat club lawns.

The stern fact is that “Bt brinjal” should not go into circulation, till there is sufficient proof that it has no “carcinogenic” effects in animals, and till such studies are ethically carried out in humans. The other danger is that by bringing it in circulation, due to the ease of cross-pollination of this plant, very soon the natural crop will be indistinguishable from the Bt variety. For concerns of safety, you never carry out genetic modification in the land of a particular crop’s origin. That is the Cartagena Protocol for you.

What would life be without brinjals. Actually you may not miss it as the page three of your paper, but there are cultural pockets that may feel deprived. Udupi, where the brinjal dish, ‘Udupi Gulla’ is a favourite snack. Besides it is linked to the offerings to Lord Krishna in the Sode Math temple. The Mattu Gulla of Andhra is pretty much the same. In Bengal, agreed that fish and rice rule the common man’s appetite, but “began bhaja” is a frequent change, besides the brinjal ritual, “gota sheddo” the next day after the Saraswati Pooja.

Now that the variant plant has got clearance, I would start by offering it to the holy animal, first to wish away any catastrophe, and more scientifically to clear its milk from pesticide fed grass. You can give it to your canine friend, may be that would get it rid of its fleas. The devilish swine can have as much, at least it will stop throwing those dreadful tapeworm eggs that go straight to your head! Ayurveda always has a slot open for a new ointment for hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

There is a lesson in the end, quite contrary to the wisdom and times of the saint-philosopher Kabir. Be a date palm, bamboo, sugar cane, or even eucalyptus that so shamelessly sucks out from the water table. It never pays to be so easily available and pliable as the humble brinjal. You just roll over someone’s plate without gathering any sauce!


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